Welcome to the home page for the Geoarchaeology Lab. This lab conducts research on archaeological questions using geoscience methods. These include petrographic, sedimentologic, paleontologic. Common analytical studies include particle size analysis (PSA), petrologic analyses using light microscopy and electron microscopy (SEM-EDS). Shallow geophysical instrumentation such as ground radar, electrical resistivity and conductivity, as well as magnetometry are available for limited scale studies and student training.The lab recently deployed drone mounted radar for the study of two prehistoric rock effigy mounds in Georgia.
The Geoarchaeology Laboratory supports undergraduate and graduate student research.
Lab Affiliate and Associate Director, Geospatial Center, Department of Geography, UGA
Jim Wilson
Instructor, Department of English and Laboratory Affiliate
Adjunct Fellow, ARC Centre of Excellence for Australian Biodiversity and Heritage, James Cook University, Australia, 2022-2024
Affilated Scientist, Director, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography
Affliated Scientist, Research Professional, Alexander Lab, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography
Research Assistant, 2021-2024
Kelsey Williams
Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2021-2024
Matt Newton
PhD Candidate, Anthropology-Interdisciplinary
University of Florida
Testing 80 MHz Ground Radar at UGA Health Sciences Campus
Testing 80 MHz Drone Radar at UGA Effigy Mound Sites
Below: Dr. Bernardes with MALA GeoDrone 80 system deployed at the Rock Hawk prehistoric effigy mound, Putnam County, GA, fall 2024. More radar studies are anticipated in 2025.